90 Portraits for 90 Grads
If there are 90 Grads of 2030 then Crescent needs to have 90 Portraits available to serve their individual needs. Some may need scholastic support, some may need a boost in character. You are not a factory starting with a sample and turning it into a product. You are given a boy with his own certain set of circumstances. And you are tasked with sending him out into the 2030 world as a productive, happy member of society. Be what your Grads need. Don't make the Grads be what you need.

Anonymous commented
I agree with Marianne and Lisa. Grads and students are individuals - an education that cultivates, builds, grows, exposes, and provides the opportunity to step outside one's comfort zone is appealing - for each Grad this journey is different.
Two very smart/insightful comments - Be what your Grads need + Help them be the best versions of themselves.
Lisa Henry commented
I agree with Marianne. The importance of individualized education has been addressed in many intriguing TED talks. Nurturing the individual learner is critical to developing the self-awareness, resilience, leadership etc. that the school is trying to develop. In the end, I believe the most important thing we can do for our boys is help make them the best version of themselves. The branding of education, tag lines and labelling of a Crescent boy as a certain type of man or graduate is not appealing to me and, in my opinion, does not serve the boys well.