put the flag of country with the members in myTIG friends
Louise Jenkins commented
I'm with Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Alam - a white flag for global citizens!
Mtumishi Nunkey commented
Heavenly flagged
supda commented
(no name) commented
Harish dhandev
(no name) commented
DeNo6G <a href="http://pzqsnmudxcoy.com/">pzqsnmudxcoy</a>, [url=http://qskyxxpljvgy.com/]qskyxxpljvgy[/url], [link=http://yvdbvtojqlqh.com/]yvdbvtojqlqh[/link], http://inyjsdzcmxjz.com/
Dr.Muhammad Mukhtar Alam commented
create a while flag for those who wish to be known as world citizens.
Jimmy commented
I think you can have this icon embedded into the profile picture. like a subtitle or something this would also help educate the youth on the different flags of the world. they are easier to learn once you have a friend who lives in a certain country.