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Obstacles au changement

Quels sont les obstacles qui empêchent votre vision des écoles de devenir réalité, plus souvent et pour plus de gens? Quels sont les défis et les obstacles qui, à votre avis, nuisent aux changements que vous souhaitez?

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1. Please keep your response concise and focused on a single idea. You can enter more than one response by clicking on the "Post a new idea" link.

2. If your response contains key words that match a previously submitted response, the previous entry will appear. You can choose to click on the Vote box to endorse this response rather than entering a duplicate response.

3. Scroll down to read all the previous responses and vote on those that you agree with most.

4. You have a maximum of five votes. A response counts as a vote. You can vote on other people's responses and "spend" up to three votes on any one response.

5. You can comment on any responses. A comment does not count as a vote.

Obstacles au changement


Commentaires et Base de connaissances

A project by / UN PROJET DE
